Friday, September 15, 2006

Day 32: The Painted Desert

We all headed out, 3 minivans/SUVs plus 1 big RV (that would be us). We didn't stick completely together, but cell phones kept us all showing up at the same places as necessary. At one point, I had 6 kids rocking & rolling down the highway in the RV. They had a goofy-good time. The painted desert/petrified forest was cool - not entirely different from some of the areas we 3 have already seen, but still quite beautiful. We found an area where we could walk amoung the petrified wood - it was wild seeing the different colors the various minerals create.

We all arrived in Williams & dispersed to our various "homes". Our campground is run by the Grand Canyon Railway, so we are right next to the depot & the railroad tracks. We arrived in the dark, so we will have to wait until morning to get a better look around.

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